VOLUME VI, Number 3 July 15, 1988

Published weekly by the Office of Communication Nelda S. Crowell, Director. DEADLINE: 4:00 p.m. Wednesday


Professor John Conklin attended the meeting of the Congress of the Americanists held in Amsterdam. Professor Conklin presented a paper, coauthored with Professor Dale Vor der Landwehr, entitled Economic Policy Making in the United States: The Formation of An International Monetary/Financial Elite.


The following companies are scheduled to recruit in the Career Services Center during the week of July 18:
July 18Champion Road Machinery Ltd. (Canada)
Nordson Corporation
July 19Bucyrus-Erie Company
Peabody Myers Corporation


IS-5300A - Iberia, Ibero America, Business, Culture, Values has been cancelled. The following classes have been added: IS-5030A - Seminar on Selected Research Topics: Latin America, Modern Central America, The Roles of Business Politics, the Church, and the U.S. The class is being taught by Sister Barbara Miller who received a Ph.D. from Notre Dame and an M.S. from the University of Arizona, both in Latin American History. IS-4830A - Global Resources. This class will be taught by Roland Chardon who received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in geography, with a minor in anthropology. Professor Chardon was a visiting professor at Thunderbird during the summer 1987.


The Texas Club, the International Finance Club, and the Superior Club are sponsoring a beer-and-steer Fajita Fest on Saturday, July 16. The event features beef or chicken fajitas, beer and music, and begins at 7:30 p.m. on the Quad.


Commencement will be held on Friday, August 12, at 3:00 p.m. in the Thunderbird Activity Center. The keynote speaker will be Dr. James A. Crupi, president. International Leader- ship Center, Dallas, Texas. Barbara S. Bunten-DeVoe '82, owner, DeVoe Printing, Glendale, Arizona, will present the Barton Kyle Yount Award to the outstanding student in the August 1988 graduating class.


During the fiscal year 1987-88, 60,739 records were reviewed in the Alumni Relations Office. This figure represents a 44 percent increase over the previous year. During the same time period, 123,895 pieces were assembled and mailed through the Alumni Relations Office. This figure represents a 54 percent increase over the previous year.


An International Roadrunner Classic competition run is in the planning stages and tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 11, 7:00 a.m. The course, including both a short fun-run and an 8 kilometer race, will begin on the grounds of Thunderbird and encompass both surface streets and the canal levee. Proceeds from this event will go to the Thunderbird Scholarship Fund and the committee's goal is to raise over $10,000, primarily by donations.
Fri., Jul. 15*Sundown Samba Party, The Pub
Sat., Jul. 16*Fajita Party, Quad, 7:30 p.m.
Sat., Jul. 23*Asia Night
Wed.-Fri., Aug. 10-12Final Examinations
Fri., Aug. 12*Commencement, 3:00 p.m., TAC. Speaker: Dr. James A, Crupi
Tue., Aug. 23Foreign Student Day
Sun., Aug. 28*Opening Ceremony, TAC. Speaker: Rod Taylor, Rod Taylor & Associates
Mon. , Aug. 29Classes Begin, Financial Registration
Sat.-Hon., Sep. 3-5*Labor Day Holiday (Dining Hall Closed for 3 Days)
Thu. , Oct. 6Donor Recognition Banquet
Fri.-Sun., Oct. 7-9*Thunderbird Alumni Association of Europe Reunion, Luxembourg
Sat. Oct. 15Department of Modern Languages - Audio/Visual Workshop
Sat.-Sun., Nov. 12-13*Balloon Race
Thu.-Sun., Nov. 24-27*Thanksgiving Break (Dining Hall Closed for 4 Days.)
Sat.-Fri., Dec. 10-16Final Examinations
Fri., Dec. l6*Commencement

Tue., Jan. 3Registration, Classes Begin
Fri., Jan. 20Final Examinations
Tue., Jan. 24Foreign Student Day
Mon. , Jan. 30Classes Begin, Financial Registration
Fri.-Sun., Feb. 24-26*Second Annual Asian Reunion in Singapore
Fri.-Mon., Mar. 24-27*Easter Break (Dining Hall closed 4 days)
Fri., May 19*Commencement
Tue., May 30Foreign Student Day
Mon. , Jun. 5Classes Begin, Financial Registration
Tue., Jul. 4*Independence Day Holiday
Fri., Aug. 11*Commencement
Tue., Aug. 22Foreign Student Day
Mon. , Aug. 28Classes Begin, Financial Registration
Sat.-Mon., Sep. 2-4*Labor Day Holiday (Dining Hall closed 3 days)
Thu.-Sun., Nov. 23-26*Thanksgiving Holiday (Dining Hall closed 4 days)
Fri., Dec. 15*Commencement

*Indicates events open to the Thunderbird community.